Thursday, June 17, 2010

I'm just going to do it!

Well I've been thinking for a long time about something like this. I'm a mom of 2 toddlers and a baby on the way and for the last 4 years I have been consumed with baby products, the best ones, the most useful ones, the cutest ones and the most practical. I'm always coming across something new and feeling like I should definitely share this with all of my mommy friends, but the truth is everyone should know about some of these fabulous products. So here I am starting a blog that will research and review and even give away some of the best baby products out there. Things that will make motherhood or fatherhood that much more exciting of an experience.
I'm just starting today with my new adventure so please be patient as I get some of these products and start writing about them. I hope this adventure will be as useful for you as it is for me.
