Thursday, November 4, 2010

The miracle blanket review and giveaway

Ok I know it seems like forever since I've posted but having 3 kids 3 and under is a full time job!! Anyway, I'm so so so so so excited because I was contacted by the makers of the miracle blanket and they are doing a "miracle fall festival giveaway" well the reason I am so excited is because we are one of the blogs that gets to give one away. Yipeeeeee. You know I already did a review of the miracle blanket a few months ago so I'm going to do it again. Seriously everyone if you have an infant or your pregnant the miracle blanket is a God Send. Truly!! I remember being a first time mom with my daughter Grace who is now 3 and not really even knowing about swaddling. I came home from the hospital and wrapped her up in a receiving blanket but as we all know they are way too small and don't really hold a tight swaddle. She didn't sleep well at all, I was up all night long it seemed like. As a new mom I decided I was going to do my research on how I was going to get this little baby to sleep. I came across the miracle blanket and I won't lie I was a bit skeptical but hey I wasn't getting any sleep and I was desperate so I thought I would give it a shot. Seriously the first night I wrapped her up in that blanket we all slept for hours. It was amazing. The key to this blanket that is different than any other is the arm flaps. There are 2 interior arm flaps that restrain the babies arms and then the outer flaps wrap them tight. There is no other blanket on the market like it. Ever since the day I put Grace in the miracle blanket I havne't looked back, I have 2 other children and I took my miracle blanket to the hospital to swaddle them, I knew it was the best product on the market. I swaddled my older 2 until they were 6 months old in the miracle blanket and I am going strong with Elijah my now 3 month old. If you were ever on the fence about a product now is the tim to purchase it at Or maybe you will win this giveaway! So, here is how you can win!! If your a follower new or old you automatically get 1 entry. Suggest my blog to your friends, comment below which friends you suggested my blog to and for every friend that follows you will recieve 1additional entry to the giveaway. On Monday evening I will determine the winner. Also, you must go to the miracle blanket facebook page and become a fan (this is how you will know if you won) Also go to their twitter page and follow!miracleblanket The winners will be posted on their facebook and twitter fan pages at 2pm cst on Tuesday. Ok everyone, get your friends to follow so you can win and get some sleep!!! :)


  1. Following Miracle Blanket on twitter!

  2. Just started following and I follow/like Miracle Blanket respectively on Twitter/Facebook.

  3. I am now following you! Thank you!

    I follow MB on Twitter/ FB already.


  4. i a new follower! thanks.

  5. I am a new follower, and I have followed MB on Facebook and Twitter! Thanks!

  6. I am a new follower!

    I love your little ones names (I have a daughter Grace and my niece and nephew are Hannah and Elijah!) :)

  7. I am a follower of Miracle Blanket on Facebook

  8. I am a follower of Miracle Blanket on Twitter

  9. I am a follow of yours through my google reader :)

  10. Im a new follower of yours :)

    jbuccigross at gmail dot com

  11. I follow miracle blanket on twitter @domesticgreen

    jbuccigross at gmail dot com
